Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Flat hair is so last year."

I love these infomercials so much. 

The Bumpit is hideously hilarious. 

I'm going to buy one for a special someone for a later secret make-her-mad/annoyed-laugh super surprise.


Karli said...

Oh my gosh. I have no words. Thank you for this. I want a free Hollywood bump it so bad!

Natalie said...

I know many a Utah-girl that is going to purchase this. Well, they are probably already pro's at just teasing it and won't need to purchase this.

Kylie said...

I know a lot of girls who get this look without any help.

Emily said...

"From flat to fabulous in seconds!" more like from flat to woof!

Sara said...

I've been laughing about this infomercial since I first saw it, and when I told my sister-in-law/hairdresser about it she said "I know isn't it great!" I'm not so sure that great is a word I would use for it...

Sara said...
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