Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dr. Hall went to town on my poor little teeth. Because I'm not the best flosser, I had to have three cavities taken care of. I had to have three shots which morphed into four shots because I wasn't numb at one point ... yikes. I hate cavities, and now I understand when people say they hate going to the dentist.
So I looked like a fool, and even more unfortunately, the numbness lasted for almost 24 hours. I was scared that my face had frozen.

Fabulous picture is on her way ...


the mama monster said...

picture...picture... ( this is me chanting) I can just imagine it now... maybe because i have already seen you all messed up from mr hall. if you want some carmel with extra butt scratching i have some for you. with love-

Jeff and Rose said...

Good Gosh Almighty, Where in the freak have you been?? I need you to update your blog just a bit more frequently...phlease.

Exactly how many times have you been to this dentist recently? I'm not sure that it's possible to get that carried away with just one little "stop over". Can you really look as bad as when I had the "Carver Eyelids" fixed??? Remember the ice packs and how I couldn't even squeeze them open to put in the ointment??!!

Oh, ho, ho...I might have to dig up some old pictures so that we can make this showdown official.
Missed you. R

Amy Bateman said...

I'm glad that the caramels worked out, I knew that your Aunt Vic would love the extra butt scratching ...

My life = School
I teach all 7 periods this year, and no break makes me go a little crazy. So I neglected my blog, sorry.
I didn't look too bad, it was mainly that I didn't gain my face back for 24 hours. I honestly was super nervous.
I don't think that anything's as bad as stitch-eyelids.