Monday, April 26, 2010

Look at me go!

Really, who hasn't run a 1/2 marathon these days?
I am so proud of myself. I only cried twice, once when I tried to leave Dra, but I ended up running back to her, "I would rather run with you!" and a lady close by laughed with sympathy, "We would rather run with you too!"
I cried again later when I really did leave Dra.

I guess I cried again a week later when Dra sent me a text:
"At this moment last Saturday, I was crossing the finish line into your arms. Happy anniversary to us!"

Oh dear, I'm crying right now just remembering it.

Thank you Dra, you are the spur in my cowboy boots.


Karli said...

awesome picture. way to go amy! and andrea!

Kimberly said...

I know it says "proof" over it because that's what they call the picture before you buy a print . . . but I think a print WITH the word "PROOF" across it would be even better than one without it - "Proof" you ran a 1/2 marathon!

Valerie said...

Amy, you should be sooo proud! Feel free to cry about this accomplishment for years!!

anna said...

I would have cried too. Way to go you two!

Emily said...

Ohhhhh you two. I'm proud of you guys and wish I could have been there to cheer you on. To you guys!!