Here I Come Halloween!
I was combing the aisles of Walmart, locating my robot costume needs, when the rack of toddler costumes proved too tempting. Pink legs called to me, I chewed my bottom lip debating the size 4-6 toddler, and then a little girl cooed, "That is really pretty."
"I know!" and I was sold.
Uni was a little down when I answered my phone and stopped giving him attention.
Black meets White
Get outta here!
A little confused, did Daisy go under the fence? She does not like Uni, Mallow on the other hand. I think they were meant to be
Malloy, not Mallow, duh
this is so funny. I think that Porter would lcve you for a mom cause he keeps asking me what I am going to be and I just keep saying a mommy.
you are the best unicorn ever!!
oh Precious Uni you are so beautiful it is time you meet your twin sister whose name is Maybe.
i love how basically in every video made, you just hear emily in the background laughing super hard. its way funny.
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