Saturday, October 24, 2009

Free Scuba Class!
Last week, my friends invited me to Jordan Landing for a free scuba class, and I invited Dra and Emily, but those two uninvited themselves by having asthma, so Em snapped pictures for me. I should have taken my underwater camera in to the pool with me. Maybe next time.
The Pool:
Shallow end = 4 ft
Deep end = 13+ ft
Can you see me? I look very childlike next to Chris Gainer.
Testing the equipment. I had on blue flippers, but is that me on the left?
Deep end.
They had rockets at the bottom that you could throw to each other, but I was horrible at throwing underwater. I would try to throw to Jess, and the rocket would always shoot straight up. Chris tried to pass to Jess, and he slammed the rocket right into my goggles.

Anyone want to take a scuba certification class with me? Once you pass, you are certified for life.

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